Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Public apathy towards accident victims in Jaipur tunnel. Ask what you could do...

24 * 7 people are complaining in social networks, workplace, seminars, articles etc that Indian administrative system is corrupt from top to bottom, government is not doing this, not doing that etc. But how many of us, as citizens, are doing our part of job?

Yesterday, there was an accident inside a new tunnel in the city of Jaipur - just 265 km away from National Capital New Delhi. In this hit and run case, a truck knocked off a bike. One lady and kid travelling in the bike were seriously injured. Her husband, who also suffered injuries, begged help from other motorists for 40 minutes inside that busy tunnel in order to move his wife and eight-month-old daughter to hospital - nobody stopped.

Finally, a worker in toll booth noticed them and called Police, they in turn transferred them to a hospital in Jaipur.

"The doctor in charge of the SMS emergency unit, D. S. Meena, said they had died before arriving. "The situation might have been better if they were provided medical help in time," he said." - South China Morning Post.

We don’t know whether the doctors may able to save the life, if they reached the hospital in time. But point is 'Situation might have been better'... probably yes, there may be a chance...

If somebody stopped, if they were ready to spend a little bit time to take the victims to hospital, if.... the never ending 'ifs' raises many questions.

1. We often complain about the quality of services we receive from the nation, but how often we are doing our part of job?

2. Any one monitors those CCTV footages in real time? If not, then what is the point of spending so much money in installing those devices in the first place?

3. People often say, if you take accident victims to hospital, then Police will implicate you. After hearing many incidents from many friends, I refuse to buy this argument. This may help you in getting some consolation for running away, nothing more than that. Remember tomorrow it may be you...

4. If this is the situation on a busy road in a state capital, then what will happen in thousands of kilometres of roads passing through rarely populated areas?

John F Kennedy in his inaugural address told, "ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country". Instead of criticising the government non-stop, take some time to think what you could have done to save that lady and her daughter and thousands of others dying in road accidents.



1 comment:

  1. Insensitiveness & indifference is the serious illness of our urban social fabric. Parenting and education system can play a crucial role in recuperating it.

    Our media focuses most on negative aspects rather than the positives done. This also adds to the insensitiveness of the public and the negative perception about the society. Morality is lost and the question of 'why I should?' will arise.

    To my belief, there are guidelines saying that one need not establish one's identity in bringing the accident victims to hospital. Unawareness in this aspect and fear of harassment by the police aggravates the situation.
    These unnatural deaths can be averted if the victim is brought to the hospital in the golden hour i.e. immediately after the accident.
