Sunday, February 19, 2017

Elimination of Measles and Control Rubella: A Big Challenge to take Head on

Latest recommendations of an Expert Advisory Group to MoHFW (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) is to target 2020 for eliminations of Measles and control Rubella. In order to achieve this goal, government is planning to cover 41 crore children in coming two years.

What makes it critical for India to become Measles and Rubella free is the fact that, Measles is a major cause of children’s death and CRS (Congenital Rubella Syndrome) results in severe irreversible birth defects which affects eyes, ears, brain and hearts. Rubella - which generally comes in the first three months of pregnancy – often results in Glaucoma, Cataract, loss of hearing capability, Microcephaly, Mental retardation.

India already made good progress in this field. Measles death have been down by 51% between 2000 and 2015 (in terms of number it is from 100,000 to 49000).

In our immunization program, first dose of measles vaccine is given at an age of 9 months. In 2010 we introduced a second dose of vaccination for measles.

Any improvement in measles situation in India will also raise the hope of its global elimination. Hope that we will be able to stay on track and make India measles free by 2020.


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