After a string of disputes and negotiations, countries finally agreed on UN code to promote and safeguard women rights and fighting violence against women. At this point, let’s go through major points on draft conclusions by 'Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)' in its 57th session (4 – 15 March 2013).
1. Elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls. "Violence against women” means any act of gender based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering...threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty in public or in private life
2. Intimate partner and domestic violence remain the most prevalent forms.
3. Violence against women and girls occurs in all countries... is a manifestation of historically unequal power relations and systemic gender-based discrimination.
4. Condemn all forms of violence against women and girls and to refrain from invoking any custom, tradition or religious consideration to avoid their obligations. prevent, investigate, prosecute and punish the perpetrators of violence and eliminate impunity.
5. Concerned about the gap between commitments and action; inadequate implementation of legal and policy frameworks; insufficient allocation of funding and resources. Existing efforts are not comprehensive, coordinated, consistent, sustained or adequately monitored and evaluated.
6. Strengthen cooperation mechanisms; information exchanges on best practices to address the transnational organised crime problem of trafficking.
7. Accelerate efforts to eliminate discrimination against women and girls; ensure women’s equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the right to education, health, social security, land, property, inheritance, employment, participation and decision-making in all spheres of life; address social and economic inequalities, poverty of women and girls and their lack of empowerment
8. Promote and protect their rights on matters related to their sexuality free of coercion, discrimination and violence, their right to the highest standard of health, including sexual and reproductive health, and their reproductive rights.
9. Prohibit early and forced marriage, sex selection, female genital mutilations and crimes committed in the name of honour.
10. Carry out awareness-raising campaigns; zero tolerance for violence and remove the stigma of being a victim of violence
11. Develop educational programmes (formal and non-formal) including comprehensive evidence-based sexuality education, that promote and build skills for respectful relationships based on gender equality and human rights, involving adolescents, youth, parents and communities.
12. Universal access to police and the justice sector, shelters, legal aid, health-care services, including services for sexual and reproductive health, psycho-social counselling and support, 24-hour hotlines, and services for accompanying children at shelters, as well as long-term assistance and support.
13. Address health consequences - physical, mental, sexual and reproductive health - of violence by providing first line support, treatment of injuries and psychosocial and mental health support, also emergency contraception, safe abortion where such services are permitted by the law, prophylaxis for sexually transmitted infections, as well as forensic examinations by appropriately trained professionals for those women who wish to pursue legal action.
14. Emphasizes that ending of violence against women and girls is not an option but must be a priority for the achievement of sustainable development, peace and security, human rights, economic growth and social cohesion. This should be reflected as a priority area in post-2015 development framework with clear targets and indicators for the realization of gender equality
Considering past history, there may not be any sudden major changes but hopeful that over a period of time countries will follow this agreement on letter and spirit.
1. The elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls: Draft agreed conclusions - UN
2. Future organization and methods of work of the Commission on the Status of Women - UN
3. UN - Women Watch
4. UN women welcomes agreed conclusions at the commission on status of women- UN Women
5. Muslim states agree to 'historic' UN statement on women - Globalpost
6. Muslim and western nations have agreed on the UN wording of a code of conduct for fighting violence against women - AP
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