Sunday, February 24, 2013

Hopping from parties to parties – the political dramas before elections in Karnataka

What you think about India's prospects for a gold medal for jumping events, say high jumps, long jumps etc, in next Olympics? Think for an instant before answering as zero. Recently, jumping events gained enormous popularity here. What more, we are currently witnessing stunning records set my some wonderful people whose original profession is politics.

Even though situation is not much better in many other states, Karnataka recently astonished entire nation by sheer number and quality of jumpers.

As a back ground information, let me tell you that, Karnataka is going for elections.  Prospect of ruling coalition, which already introduced three chief ministers in five years and witnessed a split is not so sound. It is not that, opposition is a sacred cow.

What we are seeing now is, many people including ministers are resigning from ruling party and joining in opposition parties. In next election, these people may get selected from opposition parties and become ministers; if opposition was elected to power. This was the scenario we witnessed five years back, when current ruling coalition extracted a number of people from opposition to create a majority.

Now what voters are supposed to do?


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