Recently, I came across an article in Pakistan Tribune
which questions the safety of Indian nuclear program and facilities. More than asking
questions, what this article is trying to do is to create an atmosphere of
doubt. So I would like to answer the questions posted by the author - “Hasan
For reading Hasan Ehtisham’s full article ->
Please see my answers in italics.
It confuses me immensely as to why the mainstream media
and Western governments are constantly generating a hype about the safety of
Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal
--- because of many
insurgent attacks in key military facilities; some time back Taliban fighters
conquered huge parts of Western Pakistan; suspicious nuclear relations of
Pakistan with more than three countries; AQ Khan’s proliferation cases and the
strong suspicion that he was not acting alone; no ‘not first use’ policy;
political chaos etc are enough for neighbours and other countries to have
concern about Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal.
they don’t seem concerned at all about the highly
startling condition regarding the nuclear capabilities of India. Ever since the
India-US nuclear deal has taken place, India has signed civil nuclear deals
with more than half a dozen countries. Hence, the most precarious lie is
advocated, that India has a strong track record of nuclear safety, to
materialise these nuclear deals.
---- India's track record
is clean; we have ‘no first use’ policy in place; Indian nuclear command structure
is very much straight forward and firmly under the control political leadership.
By the way according to reports amount of fissile materials – that can be
converted to bombs – by Pakistan is more than that of India.
Electronic media reports lead us believe that India has a
strong nuclear non-proliferation track record.
---- Yes, indeed an
extremely good track record.
largely ignored history of Indian illegal nuclear
procurement, poor nuclear export controls and mismanagement of nuclear
facilities. For instance, India diverted Canadian-supplied fuel for research
and generating power to make nuclear weapons. But there is more to the nuclear
program than meets the unsuspecting eye.
---- what is that ‘more
to the nuclear program than meets the unsuspecting eye’? what are that alarming
There are numerous hazardous nuclear installations in
India that could lead to a major disaster with extraordinary bearing on the
lives of large populations around these facilities. According to an Australian
newspaper (The Age), there is no national policy in India on nuclear and
radiation safety. Despite all this, India has never made an effort to adopt
world standards and best practices for nuclear safety.
----- I think you
are yet to read the latest press releases from GoI. We indeed have a structured
mechanism for nuclear wastes - recycling, treating with active charcoal. For
knowing more about these policies please go through the recent press releases
from GoI.
Radioactive waste disposal in Indian rivers is an
undocumented environmental tragedy in India.
---- In which
There are huge nuclear security issues in India because
it is prone to insurgent groups and separatist rebels. According to the Daily
Mail’s reports, most of India’s top nuclear facilities are located in
exceedingly Naxal terrorist struck districts of India or in the “Red Corridor”.
Some of the sensitive nuclear installations situated in this “Red Corridor”
are, Uranium Corporation Of India Limited, Talcher Heavy Water Plant, Institute
of Physics, Ceramatic Fuel Fabrication Facility, Nuclear Fuel Complex, Seha
Institute of Nuclear Physics, Atomic Minerals Directorate and many more.
---- Central East
India is rich in natural resources – ores, forests etc. If one wants to mine
something, facilities for the same should be located to close to that. This is
the case with Uranium Corporation Of India Limited as well. By the way, its HQ
at Singhbhum is not a district under the control of Naxals/ Maoists.
I would like to
point out some other things as well. ‘Institute of Physics’ is located in
Bhubaneswa (capital of Odisha). Even the hard core naxals won't claim that
Bhubaneswar is under their control.
Ceramic Fuel
Fabrication Facility, Nuclear Fuel Complex etc are located in Hyderabad (capital
of Andra Pradesh). I don’t know how you bring this city to red corridor. ‘Saha
Institute of Nuclear Physics’ is in Kolkata (one of the biggest cities in India
and capital of West Bengal). Atomic Minerals Directorate (aka 'Atomic Minerals
Directorate for Exploration and Research') is head quartered in Hyderabad. None
of its 7 regional centres or 2 sectional offices are in Naxal hit areas.
Around 90% of the Red Corridor areas are a ‘No Go Zones’
for the Indian troops and Air Force. The Naxal rebels are in full control and
there is no writ of the Indian government in these areas.
----- One thing you
need to realise is - GoI is considering Naxal/ Maoists issue as an internal
problem. GoI don’t want to use Army or Air force for crushing this movement. We
don't want to do a carpet bombing on our own territories. Most of Maoist influenced
areas are in deep forests or tribal villages. Why we need Air Force here? You
need to understand that, action against Naxals/Maoists are carried out by
Indian police forces (including CRPF) which are coming under Ministry of Home,
GoI or under various State Home ministries.
Air force involved
in this? Yes. Because these areas are mainly located in remote jungles, so
police forces need logistical support from Airforce. By the way, large scale
operations started some two years back considerably reduced the influence of
The shocking aspect of Daily Mail’s report is that some
Indian nuclear scientists are reportedly assisting Naxal rebels to learn to
utilise and transport uranium. On the other hand, many of India’s missile
facilities are located in either the Red
Corridor or in the areas controlled by Hindu radicals and militant
organisations. There are reported cases of the abduction of nuclear scientists
from these areas, which is a very disturbing situation with respect to the
safety and security of nuclear weapons.
---- I am very much
interested to know which areas you are referring to, when you say ‘controlled
by Hindu radicals and militant organisations’.
Indian nuclear
facilities both civilian and military are well guarded, don’t worry about that.
Just imagine if a nuclear weapon fell in the hands of
Indian terrorists; this could lead to an accidental nuclear war between
Pakistan and India. Likewise, an accident at a nuclear power plant could
release radiation that may not respect any borders.
--- Indian
terrorists? Who are they? We (and rest of the world) are much more concerned
about the situation, where Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal fell in to the hands of various
terrorist organizations.
India has to take numerous steps to ensure the safety of
its nuclear program.
--- We are already doing that.
Hope that this article will clear you doubts.
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